Why is Leonardo Divenci buried in France?

Visiting France Part 3

I saw a lot of Chateau the first few days, and Chateau Royal d’Amboise was unexpected because Leonardo (the artist, not the TMNT) Divenci was buried there. The Chapel of Saint-Hubert on the Chateau grounds, it’s just a large stone slab in the private/small Chapel. It’s odd to find the famous Italian Renaissance man, Leonardo, buried outside of Italy.

Leo was world-renowned in his lifetime, and during his golden years, he was invited to come live in France by fanboy King François I of, wait for it, France. Leo was given his own Chateau, Clos Lucé, a 600m or .3 miles from the royal Chateau Royal d’Amboise.

When Leo moved to France, he brought three paintings with him, the most famous being the Mona Lisa, which Leo gave to the French King. This solves a question I never asked, why is the Mona Lisa in France.

Published by JMP traveler

I’m a world traveler and an amateur photographer, to date, I've visited seven continents and thirty-four countries. Due to bills (and a desire to eat), I am forced to work a mundane nine-to-five job to pay for my true passion. This blog is a way for me to share my crazy creative side, my travel photos with cheeky stories, travel tips, or details on how the photo was taken. Come join me as we travel the world together, without having to leave the house or get out of your PJs.

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